Steyn City Equestrian Centre welcomes two new residents!

We are in the Press >>> Fourways Review - August 2019

Steyn City Residential and Golf Estate as well as the Equestrian Centre have been part of the EcoSolutions Owl Box Project for over 5 years. The owl and bat boxes are serviced and maintained annually - GUESS WHAT! This year will be the 3rd year running that Barn Owls (Tyto alba) have been breeding in the EcoSolutions owl box at the Equestrian Centre!

We arranged the ringing of the owlets one afternoon where children from the Equestrian Centre, Steyn City Estate and Steyn City School were invited to watch, learn and of course... meet the owlets!

Residents of Chartwell, please welcome two beautiful Barn Owlets to your community... K52462 and K52463!

Click here for the Fourways Review Article.

Barn Owls are perfect stable mates as they control rodents around the stable yard and negate the need for toxic rat poison. If you are interested in including Barn Owls in your stable pest management programme, please contact us at