Barbet Nesting Logs

Made from 100% sisal (agave sisalana), our barbet nesting logs offer barbets the perfect garden residence. Both adults excavate the hole in the nesting log, creating an entrance tunnel and an enlarged nesting chamber, which they do so very swiftly!

 The Barbet logs are fantastic for everyone to engage with. During their breeding season, barbets can be seen coming and going providing food for their youngsters. The fledging process for the young Barbets is a process most people enjoy watching.

Barbets are arboreal birds which nest in tree cavities, laying their eggs between September and December. 1 to 5 eggs are laid at daily intervals, with incubation lasting between 13 to 17 days. Both adults excavate the hole in the nesting log, creating an entrance tunnel and an enlarged nesting chamber, which they do so very swiftly! Barbet nesting logs have a life-span of around 12-18 months and then should be replaced.

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