Owls Online 2021

I can't believe that it is nearing the end of June and this is the first official newsletter of the year. 2021 is definitely flying by!

We are now in mid-winter and some of us may not be enjoying the chilly weather, early evenings and cold mornings. However, the Spotted Eagle Owls (Bubo africanus) surely don't mind! Spotted Eagle Owl breeding season kicked off on the day of the winter solstice - 21st June. The change in the photoperiod acts as the hormonal trigger that "kicks" them into their breeding season. This is what the owls have been waiting for all year. It heralds new life, eggs, food exchanges, solicitation, copulation and - you guessed it ... baby owls!

Over 100 families in Gauteng have occupied owl boxes and enjoy this event each year. The owl boxes are serviced annually to ensure that they are suitable for the female to raise her young again.

If your owl box hasn’t been serviced yet, let's arrange it today.

Book your service 


Last year, EcoSolutions set up Owl Cams which live-streamed to our website. It was an amazing experience for us at EcoSolutions and thousands of viewers worldwide! This year, we are going to make them happen again. The Verreaux's Eagle Owl (Bubo lacteus) Cam is now live and we are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the female. It will be any day now! Currently, a pair of Egyptian Geese have been using the nest. It will be interesting to see what happens when the female owl returns. If you see Mrs Owl, please let us know in the comments, by email or phone!

Click here to view the Owl Cam. You can also find the link to the Owl Cam from the homepage of our website (www.ecosolutions.co.za).

We will have another Owl Cam live in the next few weeks in an occupied Barn Owl (Tyto alba) box. The owl box is located at the Equestrian Centre in Steyn City and has been producing owlets for almost 3 years. Barn Owl boxes are an ideal addition for any stable yard or small-holding as Barn Owls are a natural ally in the control and management of rodents! Please contact us if you have stables and are interested in non-toxic rodent control with Barn Owl boxes.

As per last year, the Owl Cam on the occupied Spotted Eagle Owl box in Linden will be live again in August.

If you would like to share our journey with these exciting Owl Cam stories and be notified of activity at these nest sites register HERE!


Even with the social distancing and sanitizing, we still experience general coughs, allergies, sneezing and colds. Your ceiling easily gathers dust and rodent droppings. Rodent dropping acts as a confidence cue to other rodents and their presence encourages other rodents to explore the area.

We recommend vacuuming ceiling spaces in winter to make sure that there are clear of rodent droppings when the rodent demand for warmth and nesting sites increases in the colder months.

Take a look at the before and after picture below:


The sanitation process uses F10 Veterinary disinfectant which achieves a broadspectrum extermination of potentially harmful micro-organisms such as bacteria, fungi, viruses and spores.

Drop us a mail for a quote and start to breathe easier.

This is Alexandre! Alex, for short, is our new rodent guru. Alex is based in our Joburg office. We specialise in non-toxic, poison-free products and services to manage rodent populations.

Please feel free to contact Alex for any rodent related queries - alexandre@ecosolutions.co.za or 072 365 9777.


It is awesome to know that companies such as Scatec that generate clean, green energy are also looking at ways to manage rodent populations in a poison-free way. EcoSolutions installed owl boxes and artificial perches at the Dreunberg and Linde solar plants. In a project of this nature, it is also important to undertake the service and maintenance of these owl boxes bi-annually.

EcoSolutions has filled Lifestyle Garden Centre with our owl boxes, bat houses, bush baby boxes and more. Find our stand in the outside section opposite the pet store. If the boxes don't fit in the boot of your car or if you would prefer to have one of our knowledgeable EcoSolutions teams install a box for you, drop us a mail and let's arrange it.

My last story - in case some of you missed it on our Facebook page. In March, a juvenile African Harrier Hawk (Polyboroides typhus) was collected by a concerned member of the public from beneath a nest in a Northcliff estate. First prize? Get it back onto the nest as soon as possible. It was immediately taken through to the Johannesburg Wildlife Veterinary Hospital, where it was given a clean bill of health. The next day, we climbed the very, very tall tree and returned the juvenile to the nest. The parents were seen on the nest the following day supplying food to the youngster.


If you find an injured or young raptor, contact your local SPCA. They will direct you to an accredited rehabilitation facility. This is important. It doesn’t matter how “marvellous” any organisations social media offerings are, if they are not accredited through the NSPCA - National Council of SPCAs - there is usually a very good reason.

NSPCA has published a list of accredited facilities on their website here. All of the organisations on this list adhere to the best ethical and animal welfare practice. Not only is this accredited list invaluable in providing animals in distress with the correct care, it is also a valuable guide in choosing reputable organisations when making financial contributions. Please share this and let's make sure animals in jeopardy get to the right organisations for assistance.