Spotted Eagle Owlets Safe at Stratford Gardens


Spotted Eagle Owl (Bubo africanus) breeding season is in full swing! While some female owls are sitting tightly on their clutch of eggs, some owlets are nearly old enough to fledge! This is the case at Stratford Gardens Residential Estate in Fourways, Johannesburg.

We received a call from Kailen Padayachee of Kainav Conservation about two owlets on the ground below the owl box in the estate. responded immediately. Spotted Eagle Owls are semi-terrestrial and it is normal for them to spend time on the ground. However, these owlets were a tad too young to be roaming freely!

Before returning the owlets to the owl box, the team at Johannesburg Wildlife Vet (JWV) in Midrand gave the owlets a health-check. JWV is an NPO and treats indigenous wildlife free of charge. The owlets were given the all clear and returned to Stratford Gardens. We placed rings on the owlets with the Padayachee family who called us.

Please click on the link here for a short video about the owlets at Stratford Gardens.

To the residents of Stratford Gardens and the Fourways Community, we would like to introduce you to two healthy Spotted Eagle Owlets >>> 890055 and 890056.