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Organic pest control: Bats show us how
12 Oct, 2021

If a picture a worth a thousand words... what is a video worth? Bats eat up to 70% of their body weight in insects every night! This video of bats emerging from a bat bank over a sugar cane farm shows that bats are perfect for natural pest insect control on farms, stables and vineyards.

Russia’s bats are free of the virus that causes “Covid-19”
05 Oct, 2021

Middle East in 24: ''SARS-CoV-2 has not been found in bats in Russia. We tested samples from about two hundred bats, from Different types, with (RT-BCR) we were looking specifically for viruses very similar to (SARS-Cove-2), but we didn’t find anything.” [Photo from Middle East in 24]

Owls Online 2021
25 Jun, 2021

I can't believe that it is nearing the end of June and this is the first official newsletter of the year. 2021 is definitely flying by!