If a picture a worth a thousand words... what is a video worth? Bats eat up to 70% of their body weight in insects every night! This video of bats emerging from a bat bank over a sugar cane farm shows that bats are perfect for natural pest insect control on farms, stables and vineyards.
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Scientific Reports, volume 11, Article number: 13634 (2021)
Middle East in 24: ''SARS-CoV-2 has not been found in bats in Russia. We tested samples from about two hundred bats, from Different types, with (RT-BCR) we were looking specifically for viruses very similar to (SARS-Cove-2), but we didn’t find anything.” [Photo from Middle East in 24]
I can't believe that it is nearing the end of June and this is the first official newsletter of the year. 2021 is definitely flying by!
An interesting article on the surge of rodents during the lockdown. Science Focus. Published: 02nd May, 2021
Rosebank Killarney Gazette: HOUGHTON – The owls were introduced to the Grade 8 hostel boys, ringed and placed in a pen where they will be fed and tended to by the learners for three to four weeks.