20 Jul, 2018
SANDTON CHRONICLE – Four owlets were discovered after the owl returned for nesting in an owl box in Sandhurst.
SANDTON CHRONICLE – Four owlets were discovered after the owl returned for nesting in an owl box in Sandhurst.
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RKG: Spotted Eagle Owl (Bubo africanus) eggs hatch between 30 and 32 days and develop into fully fledged owlets in the next 45 to 55 days.
RKG: With the owl breeding season in full swing, we at EcoSolutions are getting ready to be flooded by calls of owlets needing to be ‘rescued’.
RKG: Giving a Hoot – An article on the courtship behaviour of spotted eagle owls.
The shortest day is significant for Spotted Eagle Owls (Bubo africanus) as the change in the photoperiod is the hormonal trigger that ‘kicks’ them into breeding condition.