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South Africans Deploy Owls to Fight Rat Problem in Townships
27 Oct, 2014

By Ed Stoddard JOHANNESBURG, Oct 25 (Reuters) - A young barn owl looks bug-eyed in curiosity as a bird handler readies it for a new life - to be spent hunting the rats that plague South Africa's poor and mostly black urban areas.

Bats Are Humans' Best Defense Against Mosquitoes
27 Oct, 2014

In Halloween movies, a bat swoops in as the sun goes down, then transforms into a vampire, hungry for your blood. The truth is, in Charleston, it's the mosquitoes that are the most bloodthirsty creature around, and that bat may just be your best defense.

No Decapitated Owl Found In Alex
23 Oct, 2014

Jonathan Haw's interview with ANN7 clarifying the fact that there was NO decapitated owl found in Alexandra in October 2014.