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Owls Sing Duets Until Eggs Are Laid
23 Feb, 2015

Valentine’s Day is well-timed for some of the first courtship displays of the early breeders — owls. Even with snow in the branches and blanketing the ground, hearts are all aflutter, and focused on bringing another generation into being.

Baby Boom Brings Barn Owls Back From The Brink
20 Feb, 2015

I love barn owls. The little owl may be more adorable and the eagle owl more impressive but watching a pale barn owl floating silently across the fields is one of the UK's nature wonders. And they really do float silently. I've been filming with Molly, a rescue barn owl, and she decided to take a bit of a detour while showing off for our cameras.

Dr. Jane Goodall Supporting Township Owl Project
16 Feb, 2015

Dr. Jane Goodall has always been very supportive of the Township Owl Project. In 2015 the Owl Project will collaborate with her Roots and Shoots Programme on areas relating to rodent control within township food gardens.

Poisoned Rats Infecting Predators
08 Feb, 2015

As rodent numbers increase, so do poison sales. Turns out that ridding the cities and towns of rats may be contributing to harming most of the predators that feed on them.