''We are facing an environmental crisis and must act immediately to avert it. Regenerative agriculture could be one of the answers.''
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''We’re on the cusp of a whole new era in West Belfast, where the beautiful barn owl will once more be a resident.''
''The Nepal Owl Festival, a significant conservation event held annually since 2012, is organized by Friends of Nature in collaboration with local partners.''
''Alexandra Howard, a PhD candidate at the University of the Free State (UFS) Qwaqwa Campus, recently received a $3 000 USD scholarship grant from Bat Conservation International (BCI) in support of her project''
''It's officially spooky season: Nights are creeping in earlier. A fall chill has descended. Skeletons and witches and jack-o-lanterns dot every street.'' Photo Cred: https://phys.org/news/2023-10-wildlife-biologist-myths.html
Two juvenile Spotted Eagle Owls from the SPCA have found a new home at the school. The owls were brought to the school on 25th October and will stay in a pen for 21 days before being released.