"The eight-legged venomous menace known as the noble false widow was found sucking the guts out of a baby bat."
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"It’s a sad irony that come Diwali and while Goddess Laxmi is widely worshipped and the faithful believe that Goddess Laxmi (Goddess of Wealth) enters their house on the day of Diwali, her vehicle the Owl is sacrificed in thousands that day due to occult practices. Age-old myths and superstitions surrounding owl sacrifice lead to a virtual drop in the owl population of the country."
"Gardening enthusiasts are being encouraged to feed the local bird population over the coming months so they are still around in summer to help with pest control."
"The Australian government has officially listed the koala as endangered after a decline in its numbers due to land clearing and catastrophic bushfires shrinking its habitat."
"No matter what's for dinner, many different species of bats hunt using sound. Some bats use echolocation to target mosquitos, while others seek out cattle for blood-sucking or search for agave flowers to sip nectar from. Now, researchers suspect a tiny ear bone may reveal details of how they evolved their specialized echolocation abilities, according to a study published this week in Nature."
An owl rescue mission took place by a Canadian fire department in a small town.