Jonathan Haw, director of EcoSolutions and founder of is giving an online talk for the International Owl Center in Houston, USA on Sunday, 20th December at 21h00. Sign up and share!
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It is important to ensure your owl boxes are serviced every year before the owl breeding season. This is to ensure that the box in your tree is an owl box suitable for the female owl to lay her eggs and raise her young.
In an estate in Melkbosstrand, a pair of Rock Kestrels have bred in an EcoSolutions owl box for the past 2 years. This year, the pair produced 4 youngsters who have fledged successfully from the owl box.
This afternoon, EcoSolutions has gone live with an Owl Cam set up to watch 3 beautiful Spotted Eagle Owlets (Bubo africanus) grow!
The owlet is 57 days old and ready to be ringed with a SAFring. We filmed the process live on 21st September 2020. Enjoy!
Fourways Review – Sara Orchardson from EcoSolutions explained that the servicing of owl boxes is extremely important for owls. (Photo credit: Louise Dowie)